Types of Noun

 Types of Noun


 1. सामान्य(जातिवाचक) संज्ञा (Common Noun)

The noun which refers to general names of people, places, or things.


1. किताब (Book)

2. स्कूल (School)

3. पेड़ (Tree)

4. आदमी (Man)

5. महिला (Woman)

6. घर (House)

7. गाड़ी (Car)

8. हाथी (Elephant)

9. बगीचा (Garden)

10. शहर (City)


 2. व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा (Proper Noun)

These nouns refer to specific names of people, places, or organizations.


1. दिल्ली (Delhi)

2. महात्मा गांधी (Mahatma Gandhi)

3. ताज महल (Taj Mahal)

4. भारत (India)

5. सचिन तेंदुलकर (Sachin Tendulkar)

6. हिमालय (Himalayas)


 3. भाववाचक संज्ञा (Abstract Noun)

These nouns represent concepts, qualities, or conditions that cannot be perceived through the senses.


1. खुशी (Happiness)

2. डर (Fear)

3. प्यार (Love)

4. ग़ुस्सा (Anger)

5. स्वतंत्रता (Freedom)

6. ईमानदारी (Honesty)

7. सच्चाई (Truth)

8. समझ (Understanding)

9. दुख (Sorrow)

10. विश्वास (Trust)


 4. समुहवाचक संज्ञा (Collective Noun)

These nouns denote a group of individuals or things considered as a single unit.


1. टीम (Team)

2. परिवार (Family)

3. कक्षा (Class)

4. सेना (Army)

5. समूह (Group)

6. मंडल (Committee)

7. दल (Party)

8. झुंड (Herd)

9. टीम (Squad)

10. संगठित (Organization)


 5.द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा (Material Noun)

These nouns refer to substances or materials from which things are made or which have a particular property.


1. पानी (Water)

2. सोना (Gold)

3. चाँदी (Silver)

4. लकड़ी (Wood)

5. कागज (Paper)

6. मिट्टी (Clay)

7. रेशम (Silk)

8. ताम्बा (Copper)

9. लोहा (Iron)

10. तेल (Oil)

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