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Type of noun : plural nouns


Type of noun :  plural nouns

 plural nouns  refer to nouns that denote more than one person, place, thing, or idea. They are used when talking about multiple items or entities, as opposed to a single one.

 (Plural Nouns):-  वे नाम होते हैं जो एक से अधिक व्यक्तियों, स्थानों, वस्तुओं या विचारों को दर्शाते हैं।

1.  Dogs (कुत्ते)   

    Example  :  "The dogs are playing in the garden." 

  "कुत्ते बाग में खेल रहे हैं।"


2.  Books (पुस्तकें)   

    Example  :  "She has many books on her shelf." 

  "उसकी शेल्फ पर बहुत सारी पुस्तकें हैं।"


3.  Trees (पेड़)   

    Example  :  "The trees in the park are very tall." 

  "पार्क में पेड़ बहुत ऊँचे हैं।"


4.  Cars (गाड़ियाँ)   

    Example  :  "The cars are parked outside the house." 

  "गाड़ियाँ घर के बाहर पार्क की गई हैं।"


5.  Children (बच्चे)   

    Example  :  "The children are playing in the playground." 

  "बच्चे खेल के मैदान में खेल रहे हैं।"


6.  Flowers (फूल)   

    Example  :  "The flowers in the garden are blooming beautifully." 

  "बाग में फूल खूबसूरती से खिल रहे हैं।"


7.  Pens (पेन)   

    Example  :  "I need to buy some new pens." 

  "मुझे कुछ नए पेन खरीदने की जरूरत है।"


8.  Tables (मेजें)   

    Example  :  "There are several tables in the dining room." 

  "डाइनिंग रूम में कई मेजें हैं।"


9.  Houses (घरे)   

    Example  :  "The houses on this street are very old." 

  "इस सड़क पर घर बहुत पुराने हैं।"


10.  Students (छात्र)   

     Example  :  "The students are studying for their exams." 

   "छात्र अपनी परीक्षा के लिए पढ़ाई कर रहे हैं।"


1.   Which of the following is a plural noun?    

   a) Apple 

   b) Books 

   c) Chair 

   d) House 

     Answer:   b) Books


2.   Identify the plural noun in the sentence: "The dogs are barking loudly."    

   a) Dogs 

   b) Barking 

   c) Loudly 

   d) The 

     Answer:   a) Dogs


3.   Which of these sentences uses a plural noun correctly?    

   a) The cat sleeps on the sofa. 

   b) The children are playing in the park. 

   c) The man is reading a newspaper. 

   d) The book is on the table. 

     Answer:   b) The children are playing in the park.


4.   Choose the plural noun from the list:    

   a) Tree 

   b) Desk 

   c) Students 

   d) Lamp 

     Answer:   c) Students


5.   Which noun is plural?    

   a) Car 

   b) Cars 

   c) Computer 

   d) Book 

     Answer:   b) Cars


6.   Select the sentence that contains a plural noun:    

   a) The bird is in the cage. 

   b) There are several books on the shelf. 

   c) The cat sat on the chair. 

   d) The house is big. 

     Answer:   b) There are several books on the shelf.


7.   Find the plural noun in this sentence:    

   "The teachers are grading the exams." 

   a) Teachers 

   b) Grading 

   c) Exams 

   d) The 

     Answer:   a) Teachers


8.   Which of these is a plural noun?    

   a) Pencil 

   b) Pencils 

   c) Eraser 

   d) Paper 

     Answer:   b) Pencils


9.   Choose the plural noun:    

   a) Child 

   b) Children 

   c) Book 

   d) Dog 

     Answer:   b) Children


10.   Identify the plural noun in the sentence: "The flowers in the garden are blooming."    

    a) Flowers 

    b) Garden 

    c) Blooming 

    d) The 

      Answer:   a) Flowers


11.   Which of the following is not a plural noun?    

    a) Trees 

    b) Houses 

    c) Tables 

    d) Car 

      Answer:   d) Car


12.   Select the plural noun from the options below:    

    a) Friend 

    b) Friends 

    c) House 

    d) Book 

      Answer:   b) Friends


13.   In which sentence is the noun plural?    

    a) The puppy is sleeping. 

    b) She saw a movie last night. 

    c) The students are excited for the trip. 

    d) The cat is on the bed. 

      Answer:   c) The students are excited for the trip.


14.   Choose the sentence with a plural noun:    

    a) The girl is dancing. 

    b) The city is busy. 

    c) The houses are new. 

    d) The tree is tall. 

      Answer:   c) The houses are new.


15.   Which noun is plural?    

    a) Leaf 

    b) Leaves 

    c) Box 

    d) Chair 

      Answer:   b) Leaves


16.   Find the plural noun in this list:    

    a) Shelf 

    b) Shelves 

    c) Lamp 

    d) Sofa 

      Answer:   b) Shelves


17.   Which of these sentences contains a plural noun?    

    a) The dog runs fast. 

    b) She has a new dress. 

    c) The apples are delicious. 

    d) The car is blue. 

      Answer:   c) The apples are delicious.


18.   Identify the plural noun in the sentence:    

    "The birds are singing in the trees." 

    a) Birds 

    b) Singing 

    c) Trees 

    d) The 

      Answer:   a) Birds


19.   Which of the following is a plural noun?    

    a) Chair 

    b) Chairs 

    c) Table 

    d) Lamp 

      Answer:   b) Chairs


20.   Select the plural noun from this list:    

    a) Desk 

    b) Desks 

    c) Pen 

    d) Book 

      Answer:   b) Desks


21.   In which sentence is the noun plural?    

    a) The cup is on the table. 

    b) The children are playing outside. 

    c) She writes a letter. 

    d) The tree is green. 

      Answer:   b) The children are playing outside.


22.   Choose the plural noun:    

    a) City 

    b) Cities 

    c) House 

    d) Car 

      Answer:   b) Cities


23.   Which noun is plural?    

    a) Class 

    b) Classes 

    c) Chair 

    d) Book 

      Answer:   b) Classes


24.   Identify the plural noun in this sentence:    

    "The desks in the classroom are old." 

    a) Desks 

    b) Classroom 

    c) Old 

    d) The 

      Answer:   a) Desks


25.   Which of these is a plural noun?    

    a) Leaf 

    b) Leaves 

    c) Bench 

    d) Chair 

      Answer:   b) Leaves


26.   Find the plural noun in this sentence:    

    "The cars are parked in the garage." 

    a) Cars 

    b) Parked 

    c) Garage 

    d) The 

      Answer:   a) Cars


27.   Choose the correct sentence with a plural noun:    

    a) The boat is sailing. 

    b) They are reading books. 

    c) The child is happy. 

    d) The door is closed. 

      Answer:   b) They are reading books.


28.   Which of these sentences uses a plural noun correctly?    

    a) The teacher is in the classroom. 

    b) The movies are interesting. 

    c) She buys a dress. 

    d) The bird flies high. 

      Answer:   b) The movies are interesting.


29.   Identify the plural noun in this list:    

    a) Ball 

    b) Balls 

    c) Chair 

    d) Window 

      Answer:   b) Balls


30.   Which noun is plural?    

    a) Lamp 

    b) Lamps 

    c) Notebook 

    d) Pen 

      Answer:   b) Lamps



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